Monday, March 8, 2010
:::BeSt tOoL iN LeArNiNg:::
Saturday, March 6, 2010
C.I.N.T.A aka L.O.V.E
1.To My Friends Who Are - SINGLE
Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it eludes
you. But if you just let it fly, it will come to you when you least expect
it. Love can make you happy but often it hurts, but love's only special
when you give it to someone who is really worth it. So take your time and choose the best.
2.To My Friends Who Are - NOT SO SINGLE
Love isn't about becoming somebody else's "perfect person." It's about finding someone who helps you become the best person you can be.
3.To My Friends Who Are - PLAYBOY/GIRL TYPE
Never say "I love you" if you don't care. Never talk about feelings if
they aren't there. Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart.
Never look in the eye when all you do is nothing!
4.To My Friends Who Are - MARRIED
Love is not about "it's your fault", but "I'm sorry." Not "where are
you", but "I'm right here." Not "how could you", but "I understand." Not "I wish you were", but "I'm thankful you are."
5.To My Friends Who Are - ENGAGED
The true measure of compatibility is not the years spent together but
how good you are for each other.
6.To My Friends Who Are - HEARTBROKEN
Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut as deep as you allow them to go. The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them .
7.To My Friends Who Are - NAIVE
How to be in love: Fall but don't stumble, be consistent but not too
persistent, share and never be unfair, understand and try not to demand, and get hurt but never keep the pain.
8.To My Friends Who Are - POSSESSIVE
It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else
but it's more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you.
9.To My Friends Who Are - AFRAID TO CONFESS
Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the most when the person you Love has no idea how you feel. . .
10.To My Friends Who Are - STILL HOLDING ON
A sad thing about life is when you meet someone and fall in love, only
to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and that you have
wasted years on someone who wasn't worth it. If he/she isn't worth it now he's/She's not going to be worth it a year or 10 years from now. Let go . . .
My wish for you is a man/women whose love is honest, strong
,mature ,never-changing, uplifting, protective, encouraging,
rewarding and unselfish.
p/s: i'm type no.1 (-_-") sad
country I into it??
shania twaintaylor swiftLady antebellum
Sunday, February 28, 2010
::GaMe AdDiCtiOn::
syok duk men game tetibe.....
sakit hati akhirnya and wasting time a lot!!!
p/s: hari nie kol 8pg-8mlm xdak api..nak wat pe ek??jaring pon xda..ermmm
Saturday, February 27, 2010
finally i found it!!!
dah lame saya cari tajuk lagu ni since this song always appeared dalam iklan tv3..usha punye usha jumpe gak..mmg best laa lagu ni..hihi(hari tu ckp xbrape suke indie) sbb black nyanyi kot..sore die kan power..hehe..ok,enjoy!!!
Black & Meet Uncle Hussain - Drama King
Kali pertama aku mengenalimu
Mahu bersama
Mahu bersama
Raut wajahmu bersih
Meyakinkan hati ini
Aku terpaut
Semua dusta palsu
Aku tertipu
Berubah menurut nafsu
Panggilanmu gelaranmu
Baru ku tahu
Lakon layarmu hebat
Terpukau ku melihat
Isi hati upahan
Sampai bila
Kau mahu tersesat
Tidak kau penat
Hidup penuh muslihat
Mahkotamu Raja Drama
Kau masih berpura-pura
Kata-katamu hanya propaganda
Mengejar hijau ungu
Mata kelabu
Ini bukan kau yang pernah ku kenal dulu
Panggilanmu gelaranmu
Baruku tahu
Ulang Chorus
Panggilanmu gelaranmu
Baru ku tahu
Kau bertapa
Bagai maharaja di atas lembah
Lakon layarmu yang terhebat
Memukau mata melihat
Tidak kau penat
Hidup penuh dengan tipu muslihat
Sampai bila Raja Drama
Sampai bila Raja Drama
Tidak kau penat
Hidup penuh dengan tipu muslihat
Sampai bila Raja Drama
Sampai bila Raja Drama
Tidak kau penat
Hidup penuh dengan tipu muslihat
yerterday punye story ^_^
yesterday,i went to lab..sangat penat meng-id lumut..haha..joking laa..bukannya wat keje berat pon..but i went to kolej aminuddin baki's carnival(ABC) which is near to my lab..g laa ngan kawan sorang lagi..jalan2 but i had spent time mostly kat amin..if not,i am almost fininshed identify the is okay.i still got today..hehe..then,we wandering around the boothes,terjumpe la anis..die jual coklat dr makmal coklat student food science..i'd bought one packet..hehe..i'm a chocolate lover!!:) then,we returned back..dapat la id half from the box..then,borak2 ngan kawan lg sorang sbb die nk stay till kls malam die kol 8..and i stayed until 9.30 pm alone!!!well,what can i say-sy xberapa takut time tu sbb ad kuliah kat level L..walaupon jauh but i felt if there was a lecture so they have many student..xlaa takut sangat..hahaha..tu je,it just a mindset..if u think something alone then u feel scared but if u positively thinking then it's better..ok,ciao!!
tgh wat ketupat..hahaha :>
weiiii,curi2 gune laptop aku ye!!hahaha
Thursday, February 25, 2010
i want this....i want that!!!!! @_@
>>>>>>>>>>>cumil2 baju2 ni..hoho O.o
join in fb and lots of clothesss---HERE
i got many entry made up because i'm free from stress of assignment and exam..and i found something that woman really enjoy it...clothessss!!!! i just loves looking the fashion catalogs.. i really love fashion,it gives you confidence, as an attraction and just for fun!!! but,there are only my dream to wear clothes like the above..i am fat and i am less to have super cute clothes like hard to find cheap XXL clothes in stores..huh!!all of the clothes kecik-kecik and sendat-sendat..huhuhu..but this is my wish...AKU NAK KURRRUUUUSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!nite n monink again ;)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
i luv coffee ^_^
salam....we meet up chit chat ngan kwan..tibe-tibe teringat pasal coffee..i am coffee addict but not drug ok..LOL..entah lah why i love to drink that exotic beverage..kadang-kadang bila dengar perkataan kopi terus ia dikaitkan dgn orang tua..tapi sekarang tidak..nowadays dah banyak jenis beverages that made from coffee base for instance capuccino, latte, mocha and also ice blended..yum yum!! pon minum nescafe je..i always wish i could pay off a cup of coffee kat starbuck..wangi je bile lalu depan cafe tu tp apakan daya,i only can walk by that cafe because a cup of that coffee is costly!!nearly more that...xtaw la tp mahal..not like nescafe ais beli kat kedai,paling mahal pon nikmat whoaa..xpe laa,when i get my own money i will buy starbuck coffee one day..kedai tu pon takkan pupus kan??fyi, coffee certainly have good and bad effect to the body system..but honestly,all of the food contain good and the bad, there's no big deal in dealing with consumption..saya sangat sukakan kopi, tapi saya xingat bila saya jatuh cinta akannya..wahwahwah...=P..lagipon dah lama saya xminum sebab sekali saya start minum and i will damn continue drinking like a vampire sucking the blood..(betol ka??) hahaha..wutever,here are some of the fact i got from the internet about things that i like and dislike about coffee beneficial....
::I LIKE::
- strong smell and nice taste which is the most i like :)
- high in antioxidant-which is very essential to our health
- can reduce the old aging effect
- menjadi perisai tubuh dari radikal bebas
- good for your heart, avoid parkinson and others related to heart disease
- miscarriage for woman who are taking more than 100 mg caffein per day T_T
- difficulty breathing for newborn
- related to osteoporosis
- restlessness, heart pumping extremely
okay for that..i'm enough..for more information just google it okay...till then, i'm so tired rite now..wanna a have a good nite today..tata..till meet again ;)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
family vacay~~
Monday, February 15, 2010
pAnDuAn MeMiLiH SaHaBaT...hihi
SAHABAT adalah orang yang kita ingin sentiasa berkongsi kisah suka dan duka. Sepanjang kehidupan kita, pasti kita ingin jadikan sahabat peneman yg setia agar dpt mendengar segala luahan rasa. Namun, mampukah kita mencari seorang sahabat setia dan jujur. antara sifat-sifat sahabat yg baik dan mulia adalah:
- Jika anda berselisih faham dgn sahabat anda, nescaya dia lebih senang mengalah demi menjaga kepentingan persahabatan. Dia tidak mahu bersikap mementingkan diri dgn tidak mahu bertolak ansur. Dia tahu sekiranya dia tidak mengalah, maka hubungan persahabatan anda akan menjadi lebih buruk lagi.
- Jika anda cuba utk merapatkan lagi persahabatan anda dengannya, dia akan membalas dengan baik persahabatan anda itu. Itu bermakna dia memang mahu bersahabat dgn anda. Dia amat menghargai anda kerana mahu bersahabat dgn anda. Dia adalah sahabat sejati anda.
- Jika anda memerlukan pertolongan daripada sahabat anda berupa wang ringgit ataupun dlm bentuk tenaga, maka dia akan cuba sedaya upaya membantu anda. Sahabat yg baik tidak akan menghampakan anda sekiranya anda meminta pertolongan dari mereka. Malah sahabat yg baik juga tidak sanggup melihat anda berada dlm kesusahan. Jika anda meminta sesuatu bantuan daripadanya, dia akan mengusahakannya.
- Jika anda berkata-kata sesuatu kepadanya, nescaya dia akan membenarkan percakapan anda itu. Dia tidak akan sekali-kali menidakkan kata-kata anda itu melainkan kata-kata anda itu adalah dusta. Apabila anda memberi sesuatu pendapat maka dia akan membenarkannya dan menyokong anda.
- Jika datang sesuatu bencana menimpa diri anda, dia akan cuba sedaya upaya utk meringankan beban usaha anda itu. Dia akan sentiasa bersama anda dgn memberi pertolongan dan semangat supaya dpt terus tabah menghadapi ujian itu. Anda tidak akan merasai keseorangan jika mempunyai sahabat yg baik seperti ini. Jika anda merancangkan utk melakukan sesuatu perkara, nescaya dia akan membantu anda. Dia akan sedaya upaya membantu anda supaya anda berjaya mencapai perkara yg ingin anda lakukan itu. Dgn bantuan sahabat anda itu anda akan dpt terus cekal dlm menjayakan rancangan anda itu.
- Jika anda menghulurkan sesuatu kebaikan kepadanya, ia akan menerimanya dgn baik. Itu tandanya dia menghargai kebaikan yg telah anda hulurkan kepadanya. Dia juga tidak akan sekali-kali melupakan kebaikan yg telah anda lakukan itu. Malah dia akan membalasnya dgn kebaikan juga kepada anda.
- jika dia melihat sesuatu yg tidak baik daripada anda, dia akan segera menutupnya. Sahabat yg baik akan sentiasa menjaga maruah anda tidak kira apa yg berlaku. Dia tidak akan sekali-kali membuka aib anda kepada orang lain. Sahabat anda yg baik akan sentiasa melindungi anda daripada perkara-perkara yg tidak baik.
- Jika anda berdiam diri kerana malu hendak meminta pertolongan, dia akan menanyakan kesusahan anda itu. Sahabat yg baik akan dpt memahami kesulitan yg anda alami. Dia tidak akan mementingkan diri sendiri tanpa menghiraukan masalah yg anda hadapi...